“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers — strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength."

—Barbara Katz Rothman

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Positive Birth Program

Positive Caesarean Birth Course

birthing master-class

vbac master-class

Optimal Birth Positioning for Mum and Bub

Online Courses


When it comes to birth,
"going with the flow" is not a plan.

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Hi, I'm Debra,

Mum of 4, (Grandmother of 2), Midwife and Birth Educator of almost 2 decades. Here to help you navigate the most life challenging, yet amazing and transformative day of your life.

Learning from an experienced midwife can help take away the fear of the unknown. With Knowledge, comes Power. When you know what to expect, the unknown is no longer unknown, it is imagined, and not yet experienced.

I am able to answer your questions honestly, in a language you understand, from my vast experience of what really happens in the birthing rooms of 2023. Not just from knowledge I have gained from a reading a book or going to a conference.

When you know how your body and hormones work in labour, (including all the twists and turns you may encounter), gives you the background for making empowered decisions about the biggest day of your life.

Having knowledge gives you options.

Being prepared gives you comfort.

And having the support of a birthing partner who understands their role gives you the rock to lean on, as together you bring your baby into the world.


Upcoming Clases

Up Coming Dates:

  • fEBRUARY ~ 3RD, 11TH, 17TH & 21ST

  • mARCH~ 8TH & 9TH

  • aPRIL ~ 4TH, 7TH, 11TH, & 14TH

  • May ~ 4th & 18th

  • June ~ 1st & 15th

  • July ~ 6th & 20th

  • August ~ TBa

  • October ~ TBa

  • November ~ TBa


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Hypnobirthing Australia