Have you ever wanted a professional, friendly, supportive person with you at your birth? But didn’t know who to ask, where look, or thought it too expensive to hire a professional support!
Would you like a known professional to be by your side and help guide your through each step of your journey? Being that friendly confidante when you are not sure where else to turn!
Would you like this awesome experience for FREE? Who doesn’t want a FREE service!
Are you invested in the quality of midwifery education into the future? Sure, we want the “Midwives of Tomorrow” to be really well trained, knowledgeable and compassionate!
Did you know that every midwifery student of today needs 10 mums to volunteer to share their pregnancy journey with them. This is to help them understand first-hand from birthing mums, what the pregnancy and birth journey entails. They are counting on couples volunteering to share their journey with them. To be part of the Continuity of Care Experience, a pregnant woman connects with a student, and if you are a good match, the “midwife of tomorrow attends 4 ante-natal and 2 post-natal appointments, and may be with you, by your side at the birth if you want, as well.
To be part of this amazing CoC Experience, Debra has connections with an extensive list of students who are ready and willing to help and support you through your amazing journey to becoming new parents. Contact Debra Today to be put on the list to be allocated a student who is waiting to meet and support you.